-"It's not a lie, if you believe. by...George ";
-"Everything I've ever done or said is the complete opposite of what I've wanted. by...George ";
-"Worlds are colliding!! George is gettin very upset!! by...George ";
-"You suffer for your soup. by...Kramer ";
-"Aht!! by...Kramer ";
-"I don't wanna wear the ribbon! by...Kramer ";
-"You're killing independent George! by...George ";
-"When this wedding is postponed, it's like a stay of execution! by...George ";
-"I can't carry a pen, I'm afraid it'll puncture my scrotum. by...George ";
-"For I am Costanza, Lord of the Idiots. by...George ";
-"'Cause I'm like ice, buddy, if I don't like you, you've got problems. by...Kramer ";
-"I'm a great quitter. I come from a long line of quitters. I was raised to give up. by...George ";
-"I won't tolerate infestation! by...Frank Costanza ";
-"A gift that isn't enjoyed is like a flower that doesn't blossom. by...Kramer ";
-"I don't want to be remembered, I want to be forgotten. by...George ";
-"This is beyond B.O., this is is B.B.O.! by...George ";
-"Actually it was in gym class. I was trying to climb the ropes and Jerry was spotting me. I kept slipping and burning my thighs and then finally I slipped and fell on Jerry's head. We've been -close ever since. by...George";
-"I can't go to a bad movie by myself. What, am I gonna make sarcastic remarks to strangers? by...Jerry";
-"That woman had an orgasm under false pretenses. That's sexual perjury! by...Jerry";
-"She had man hands! by...Jerry";
-"What do girls do? (Jerry, on what girls do to torment each other.) We just tease someone until they develop an eating disorder. by...Elaine";
-"It's not fair that people are seated first-come, first-serve. It should be based on who's hungriest. by...Elaine";
-"Who's gonna turn down a Junior Mint- It's chocolate, it's peppermint by... it's delicious by...Kramer";
-"I always get the feeling that when lesbians are looking at me they’re thinking 'That’s why I’m not a heterosexual'. by...George ";
-"Just remember, it's not a lie if you believe it. by...George ";
-"Do you ever get down on your knees and thank God you know me and have access to my dementia? by...George";
-"I'm not gay! Not that there's anything wrong with that. by...Jerry";
-"I'm not a lesbian. I hate men, but I'm not a lesbian. by...Elaine";
-"But I’m disturbed, I’m depressed I’m inadequate I got it all. by...George";
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